Stellar Register Quick Money!

Posted by MICHELLE ANGELA CHAI on Thursday, August 14, 2014

What is Stellar?
Stellar is an online currency called STR.  
What is the use?
Stellar can be traded to dollar or bitcoin (BTC).
What is BTC?
BTC is an online currency that can be traded to real currencies.
Below is an example of  trading value of STR, BTC, and IDR(Indonesia- Rupiah)


1BTC = 232517 STR
1STR = 0.00000391 BTC

How to register stellar ?
1. First. Register here
daftar, stellar, bitcoin
register stellar

2. Then to get stellar point, you need to connect it to your facebook account.

3. Verify your email.
stellar, verifikasi
Email Verification

4. Last mission is to send 100 point to "monsterchub". 100 point that you sent will be given back by stellar foundation. Point sending is just a mission from stellar. If you enter the name above, I will send you extra bonus of 10 point.

Here's the prove of 10 point that I sent back..
stellar bonus

Thankyou and happy hunting!
More aboutStellar Register Quick Money!

Cara Daftar Stellar dan Uang Online

Posted by MICHELLE ANGELA CHAI on Monday, August 11, 2014

Apa itu Stellar?
Stellar adalah mata uang online berupa STR.  
Apa gunanya?
Stellar dapat ditukar ke bitcoin atau BTC.
Apa itu BTC?
BTC adalah mata uang online yang dapat ditukarkan ke rupiah. Nilai tukar BTC, STR dan rupiah adalah sebagai berikut...


1BTC = 232517 STR
1STR = 0.00000391 BTC

Bagaimana cara mendaftar stellar ?
1. Pertama daftar dulu di
daftar, stellar, bitcoin
daftar stellar

2. Kemudian untuk mendapatkan point stellarnya silahkan kalian login dengan facebook kalian masing-masing.

3. Verifikasi email kalian
stellar, verifikasi
Verifikasi Email

4. Terakhir misinya mengirim 100 point stellar untuk pertama kali, kirim saja ke
" monsterchub ". 100 Poin yang teman-teman kirim akan segera dikembalikan dari pihak stellar. Pengiriman poin hanya merupakan misi dari stellar. Jika teman-teman mengirim 100 point ke kode diatas, saya segera akan memberikan bonus 10 poin kepada teman-teman.

Bukti bonus 10 poin saya kirim kepada teman-teman.
stellar bonus

Terimakasih dan selamat mencoba mendapatkan duit stellar dengan mudah!
More aboutCara Daftar Stellar dan Uang Online

Cara Hack - Bot Hack

Posted by MICHELLE ANGELA CHAI on Monday, March 25, 2013

Mencari keberuntungan dari memang bisa dibilang cukup sulit. Tak heran banyak orang mencoba meng-hack mulai mulai dari bermain proxies serta bot. bot hack 2013 bot 2013

Nah ini tampilan dari bot 2013. Ini merupakan salah satu cara hack yang paling populer !!!
Tanpa basa basi silakan download !!!

More aboutCara Hack - Bot Hack

Can pay to Unverified Paypal ?

Posted by MICHELLE ANGELA CHAI on Thursday, March 14, 2013

Due to payment, most of online works need verified paypal. This has been such a problem since the use of credit cards are limited.

Can pay to Unverified Paypal ?

The answer is: yes, can pay to Unverified Paypal.
Just make sure that you put the right email that you use for paypal.

Steps to update your paypal account on :
Go to withdraw >> update account
More aboutCan pay to Unverified Paypal ?

How to Use Full Page Script

Posted by MICHELLE ANGELA CHAI on Monday, March 11, 2013

Follow the steps to use Full Page Script on your blog:

1. Login to your account
2. Go to tools>> Full Page Script
3. Copy the code full page script
4. Change the id with your id
5. Go to your blog
6. Go to Design >> Layout
7. Add widget
8. Choose html
9. Paste the code
10. Save it

You can put the code everywhere you want to.

More aboutHow to Use Full Page Script

How to use Website Entry Script


Follow the steps to use Website Entry Script on your blog :
1. Login to your account
2. Go to tools>> Website Entry Script
3. Copy the code Website Entry Script
Some explanations: 
The 'frequency_cap' is the number of times the user will be redirected to advertising in 24 hours.
The 'frequency_delay' is the number of minutes between adverts show to the user, it recommended to keep the default settings.
The 'init_delay' is the number of seconds between the advertising being displayed and your website loading. It is recommended to keep this to a few seconds so that user will see your website first and then our advertising. It reduces the chances of the user clicking the BACK button.

4. Change the id with your id
5. Go to your blog
6. Go to Design >> Layout
7. Add widget
8. Choose html
9. Paste the code
10. Save it

You can put the code everywhere you want to.

More aboutHow to use Website Entry Script Scam ?

Posted by MICHELLE ANGELA CHAI on Sunday, March 10, 2013

Many shorten link sites have  been discovered as scam. You work hard but you're not paid. Then the question is " Scam ? "

Well has been a great company nowadays. You can find million people using this site and million dollar has been paid. Still thinking scam? I'll tell you that is not scam . To ensure you, you can check any investigate site by the keyword " scam investigate".

Start earning : Get 1000 clicks per day
More Scam ?